Gail's Blog

Bird on a Wire–Taking Off

One of my favorite singer and song writers is Leonard Cohen.  His haunting songs linger in my head as they Barn Swallow Bird Flying And Sitting On A Telephone Wire Feedingdo many others.  He has a particular song called “Bird On A Wire”.  I really can see the bird just perched there before it suddenly takes off for other resting places.

I think in some way, the bird on the wire is the metaphor for the United States right now.  It has been on a wire resting, teetering and knowing it can’t stay in that position too long.  Last night’s election shows how true that is.  We wake up in the morning to a new set of circumstances and a new wire to perch and a new nesting destination.  There are so many uncertainties going on in America but, the people continue to show up and be heard.  We started in a revolution and we will always revolt.  Hopefully, peacefully.  We were born revolutionary and pride ourselves in our individuality.  Of course, that can only work for so long.  The individual gets lonely, attaches itself to groups, falls under “group think” and then has to revert back to developing him or herself as an individual.  No wonder America uses the greatest amounts of anti-depressants in the world.

We are the “free” bird of the number 5 life path.  We are to be the world’s catalyst of change.  We are to learn how to assimilate well, we are the indulgers  of the world, we overeat, overspend and dabble in the physical senses.  A true 5.  We are impatient and see 5 minutes of wait as a half hour.  We drive ourselves crazy and then can’t sleep.  Our solutions intensify the problems.

We will need to accept other birds on the wire besides ourselves.  This is showing up right now in the caravan coming north from Latin America.  You would think the nation is under siege, the army at the border, the camps being set up, our nation is under attack.  Well, actually no.  We just don’t have any sensible immigration policy in the country to assimilate all those who want to show up here.  Hopefully, we will as the higher forces who helped form this country made it a priority to use this country as the teacher of assimilation.  Right now, the birds on the wire don’t want any more birds to come onto their wire.  Do you ever watch crows?  They are really territorial and steal other birds eggs.  No other bird would dare go on the wire with the crows.  Well a hawk would but then the crows would flee.

The entire world is on the move.  The Africans are moving, Middle Easterners are moving.  The poor of almost every country are moving.  It was ever thus.  Poor, frightened people move to where it is safe and they might find food and shelter.  Notice how are ancestors did.   Mine came from Ireland, others from Eastern Europe, Russia, Vietnam, El Salvador, Guatemala, Germany, Italy, Poland, Cambodia etc.  I mean folks, we just forget that we too are immigrants and were once birds on a wire that took off for safer spaces to land.  The more we refuse an immigration policy, the more the citizens will suffer as well as the newcomers.   “Progress tempts us to assume that our world will last indefinitely……..Most of our days are spent in the stupor of routine, going down life’s treadmill on autopilot.  But a heart attack or cancer surgery has a way of helping to replace the stupor with something more authentic.  In this sense, confronting the end of the age of opportunity.  It makes us look at the Big Picture and contemplate needed change.  The thought of an imminent interview with the Almighty has a way of clarifying priorities in the direction of authenticity. ”  Hurtling Toward Obvlivion by Richard A. Swenson, MD.

Our bird on the wire has taken off again.  This time it is flying with various birds of various nationalities, genders, ages and weird feathers.  The time will come when we will call each other one of us.   American birds are generous, a bit wild but they still have to assimilate better within their own flock.  They still see themselves as separate not part of the whole.  “Everything is linked with everything else down to the lowest ring on the chain, and the true essence of God is above as well as below, in the heavens and on the earth, and nothing exists outside of Him.”  The Torah                                                                            




9 responses to “Bird on a Wire–Taking Off”

  1. Gail Minogue says:

    Hi Chris,
    I always appreciate hearing from you.

  2. Chris Spicher says:

    Gail, thank you. Our home wishes you and Richard the best .

  3. Sharon G. says:

    I am so elated about the huge turnout for this latest election of many new women to the House of Reps – coming from a variety of backgrounds and bringing their enthusiasm, passion & ideas for finding new solutions to our nation’s current and upcoming challenges. Thank you also for the reminder of the importance of getting out of our “stupor of routine, going down life’s treadmill on autopilot” and of all of our own immigrant pasts. .Hopefully, our newly elected congressmen & women can begin a new chapter that brings us closer to establishing a “sensible immigration policy” to assimilate more people who wish to come here – in such a way that they are treated in a supportive and humane manner, rather than the contrary.
    Thank you Gail for sharing your insights with all of us, which is helping to expand our perspective on what we as a collective our going through in these times. .

  4. Gloria L says:

    Very well said! Thanks for help us keeping steady i this wild world….

  5. CHRISTINA says:

    Well said (or written) Gail. Enjoy your insights. Thank you.

  6. Sharon says:

    Thank you, Gail. Excellent contribution and insights to a brighter future!
    I am so heartened by the Midterms this week where women will have an ever increasing voice. As of today, women now have at least 118 seats from Tuesday’s election that surpassed the record of 107 voting members in 1992, which was called the Year of Women. The new total includes 31 first time House members and that is another bird on the wire taking off.

  7. Jude says:

    After reading about the Lakota Chief Black Spotted Horse I am more excited now that I get to share an evening with him and others at an intimate dinner tomorrow nite and now with your article I thought you may be interested in what he and his tribe are trying to do in the world. The time is now as we light bearers know.

    As always, thank you

  8. Coleen L. says:

    Thank you Gail! Your words of wisdom not only bring clarity, but keep me from needing antidepressants! lol Bless you!

  9. Thank you Gail. I was looking forward to this from you today. You have given us an excellent metaphor for what we are experiencing.

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