Gail's Blog

What Your License Plate Tells Us About You

Numbers continue to fascinate me and one of the reasons is because they don’t lie and they continue to reveal.  We take

Your Subconscious Calling Card

Your Subconscious Calling Card

so many things for granted, especially in the areas of numbers.  We have house numbers, phone numbers, birthday numbers, age numbers, numbers in our names, order numbers, weight numbers and grade numbers.  They go on and on.  Everything is numbered.  We live in an order of geometry.

One of the most fascinating numbers is your license plate number.  Most of our license plate numbers seem random to us.  The DMV gives us a license plate and voila, you have your number.  Some of us create “vanity” plates with certain specific initials or dates.  For the most part, though, we leave it to the DMV–or do we?  The truth is, whether random or vanity, the license plate always reflects how we want to be seen in the world.  It doesn’t show us who we really are but how we would like you to see us.  It reflects an image we want to project.

You figure out your image by using the numbers and letters in the license plate (remember each letter masks a number so you have to use the letters as well).  For instance, if my license plate was PLF643M, I would add the letter “P” or the number 16 in the alphabet, to the letter L, the 12th letter, to the letter F, the 6th letter, to the 6+4+3+M (the 13th letter).  Adding them all up together would total 60.  I would reduce 60 the 6+0=6.  My license plate would let the world know I want to seen as a 6 person.

Here are the main 9 numbers as how you want to be seen by others:

A Number 1 license number shows a driver who wants to be seen as independent, a leader, a self-starter and basically Number One.  Even if the person doesn’t exhibit any of these behaviors, this is how this person wants to be seen by others.

A Number 2 license number shows a driver who wants to be seen as a peace-loving person, sensitive and cooperative.  He or she wants to be viewed as a team player and one that can get along even though they may exhibit the opposite behavior.

A Number 3 license number shows a driver who wants to be seen as very pleasant, communicative and creative.  This is sort of the “nice guy” number.  “I want you to see me as the person who doesn’t offend and always has something nice to say.”  This could or could not be the opposite of the person’s behavior, but that is how he or she wants to be seen.

A Number 4 license number shows a driver who wants to be seen as the”salt of the earth,” the hard worker, the disciplined person and someone who is organized and methodical. He or she wants to be seen as the person who gets the job  done and the one you can depend upon. He or she wants to be seen as being very productive.

A Number 5 license number shows a driver who wants to be seen as being free.  She wants to have the freedom to come and go and wants you to see her as someone who is a bit of a daredevil.  Deep down he or she longs for freedom.

A Number 6 license number shows a driver who wants to be seen as being very responsible and caring.  He wants you to think of him as being service oriented and very committed to home and community.  This can be taken one step further where the person wants to be seen as the helper, healer, teacher and counselor.

A Number 7 license number shows a driver who wants to be seen as being very high minded and discerning.  He or she wants to be seen as someone who thinks deeply, contemplates information, and has a great deal of knowledge.  He or she wants to be seen as being smart with a very sound mind.  This person may also want to be seen as being very spiritual.

A Number 8 license number shows a driver who wants to be seen as being a leader, the boss.  This individual wants to be seen as having power, success, money, etc.  The person may have none of these qualities in his or her personality, but this is how he or she wants to be seen.

A Number 9 license number shows a driver who wants to be seen as the humanitarian–the generous Soul who helps others and wants to be seen as being kind and loving.  This person also wants to be seen as being somewhat artistic with an eye for beauty.


3 responses to “What Your License Plate Tells Us About You”

  1. Kayce says:

    Mine makes me laugh too as it comes out to a 4 which is what my birth numbers add up to (40=4) can’t seem to get away from it.

  2. Chris Foutris says:

    My license plate made me laugh and ponder…I had requested what would have given me an ‘8’…but the state told me it was taken…and added a one to my birthday…making me a ‘9’….so, was the state smarter than I was…or was I clinging to an idea that wasn’t a true reflection of how I want the world to see me?? A conundrum.

  3. Sharon W says:

    My license plate is all one word, Gail, with no numbers, which is a word vibration I appreciate.
    That makes it very easy to remember and others seem to enjoy it too, as I do receive comments on it.
    Thanks for another interesting blog!

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